Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Living room is Mt. Boxmore

Jill had yesterday off today for President's Day. So we got this big idea that we would rearrange our apartment. What an adventure that turned out to be! I haven't had that much fun since my last trip to the dentist.

After many nights of disturbed sleep due to loud talking in the foyer, scratchy accordian music, and people running up and down the stairs, we decided to move our bedroom to the quietest and smallest room in the apartment, the office.

It was too great of an undertaking for one day. We turned our living room into Mt. Boxmore, it looks like it was the tragic victim of a volcanic eruption, a tsunami or something like that. At least the bedroom is finished, though. I am looking forward to a good, undisturbed night's sleep.

The first night sleeping in the office was quiet (you know, the way most people like it when they sleep, with the exception of maybe our neighbors). A good night's sleep? I think I can get used to this. I'll have to confess after our first quiet evening in the office, I'm as excited about it as Michael Jackson at a Chuck-e-Cheese!


The Going Blog said...

Leigh, you are a hoot. Our church is very blessed to have you and Jill be apart of us. You can thank Brent for the blog promotion. I forgot that you mentioned one on Sunday.

Ronda said...

Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Murray...How fun to see that you now have a blog! It made me smile! Hope that you all get a great night's rest after going to the trouble of rearranging everything! Keep us updated! And yes...you all are an answer to prayer! We love having you at our church! See ya.. when we finally get well!

Ronda said...

How did you sleep?????????? ha! Just wondering...

Angie D said...

Lookie who's got a blog now. You're hilarious! We miss you guys in Frankfort.

Unknown said...

Hey! Found your blog...hopefully you update it more than Jill and I talk! HE HE :) :)

Ronda said...

Hope that you are feeling better...Jill!

Unknown said...

Oh my word! I was so excited to find your blog. Maybe we can actually keep in touch now:-) It's only been forever.....

Peggy B. said...

Hi. Glad to find your blog. If your Dad & Mom have email, will you call me. Cousin Peg

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited you all have a blog. :)We really do need to get together...you know, you only live like 10 minutes from me now. Miss you all! Jennifer

Martha C said...

Let me add my happy greetings and welcome to the blog world. I do enjoy the humor!
The only way we really get peaceful nights is to sleep with a fan running. We have ended up not only tuning out people and music but roosters, too! (No, it was not supposed to be in the subdivision!)

Jody J said...

Hey! I'm way behind times. I didn't know you had a blog until just now! So glad to find it.
We need to get together soon. We love it when you guys stop by. :)

Sassy said...

Leigh, Your humor hasn't changed a bit. I love it. We miss having you all around!